Profiling in production with function call traces

February 5th, 2025

A timeline showing function call and return events is a great way to debug performance problems, especially in production. In particular, it's often much more effective than traditional sampling profilers, for reasons we’ll discuss. However, the adoption of function tracing in the industry remains uneven because of a chicken-and-egg problem.

To best use a tracing profiler, you need some adaptations to your code and your workflow (as opposed to sampling profilers, which “just work” with your code.) So to make a tracing profiler, one needs people wishing to change their code & workflow in order to use it. That said, as we’ll see, it’s gotten fairly easy to develop a tracing profiler today, and integrating it into your work is very doable as well – which I hope might encourage people to both make and use tracing profilers.

“Our main contribution,” as they say in papers, is a new function tracing profiler for C++ imaginatively named funtrace. It’s ready for serious use – it works out of the box on large, complicated programs. For example, here it is peeking into the inner workings of the awesome painting program Krita, showing how the call stack changes over time, the thread state transitions, and the source code of some selected function:


Funtrace has the following attractive qualities, which I hope I am not overselling:

I’ve worked on several kinds of profilers during the last 20 years, and this one is easily my favorite. Perhaps it’s the colorful stalactites?.. Anyway, that’s “our main contribution”; we’ll see how funtrace works, and how you could use similar methods and existing components to build your own tracing profiler.

But we’ll cover more than the proverbial design and implementation of funtrace; in fact, we’ll leave a few of its particularly “hardcore” bits for their own followup. We’ll start with viztracer, a great tracing profiler for Python, and discuss how to introduce a profiler like that into your workflow. We’ll also talk about LLVM XRay, AFAIK “the” open-source function tracing C++ profiler today, and how its design is influenced by what the workflow needs to be in a place like Google, where XRay comes from.

We’ll also get to the awesome magic-trace, a non-intrusive tracing profiler built on top of Intel Performance Trace. Unfortunately, its authors say that magic-trace is hard or impossible to port to many popular platforms. This will bring us to what CPU makers could do to make hardware-accelerated function tracing very cheap in both hardware and software – and usable much more widely than today, including in dynamic and JITted languages.

viztracer: how to use a great tracing profiler

I’m working on a small animation program, and I’ve found out that there’s such a thing as insufficient yak shaving - it turns out that the care and feeding of an unshaved yak gets tiresome quickly. For example, I’ve avoided figuring out how to use a profiler for way too long, and in hindsight, wasted a lot of time manually putting timers into the code.

I mean, you start putting timers into your code, and the first thing you print out is the average runtimes of things. The averages tell you which code the program spends most of its time running, helping you to speed up some of this code. But then you run into the occasional lags, and of course, averages can’t explain why you have unusual lags - because by definition, on average, you don’t have unusual lags. So whatever is taking time when you do have unusual lags doesn’t move the averages.

(Incidentally, this is why sampling profilers like perf, which periodically check what the program is doing and then show you what it was doing most of the time, can help with saving CPU cycles, but mostly can’t help with worst case latency.)

So you print out worst case runtimes, but of course the worst case runtimes of each function don’t help you by themselves. What you’re really after is how long each part of your code took when an entire flow, like your mouse-down event handling, was unusually slow. That slowness wasn’t due to every function taking the most time ever, but due to some of them taking a lot of time, and the sum of* everything* running in this flow taking too much.

So you start printing some sort of tables with timer values - a row for every time some flow ran, and a table like that for every flow, and then you look at the rows with the most total cycles. The tables grow, and now you want something easier to look at than tables of numbers. So you start having thoughts like “I could decorate my functions with @trace or something, to trace calls and returns, and if only there was a nice way to display this trace with the function calls nested inside each other...”

And at this point you say – you know, I would be building a tracing profiler! There has got to be a tracing profiler for Python - I should find one and use it! Where’s my yak shaving machine?! Should have reached out for that long ago, before getting all tangled up in all this yak fur!

Then you discover viztracer, which looks great, and works like a charm if you run it on some script with viztracer ./ Works fine for a short program run: you get the last 10 million function calls at the end of the run. But your program is an interactive GUI, which means an “infinite” program run. You don’t want to quit the program to get the trace. Well, you can Ctrl-C the program - more accurately, you can Ctrl-C viztracer which is running the program - to get the last 10M calls before you Ctrl-Cd. But how do you know when to Ctrl-C?

This right here is the major problem with tracing profilers: you need to figure out what to trace. With sampling profilers like perf, no such problem: you sample all the time, and then you get a summary – of a size not dependent on how long the program ran. And this is important not only because there are only so many terabytes in a disk, but first and foremost because there’s only so much time to scroll horizontally, trying to find the part of a giant timeline that you care about.

Therefore, a tracing profiler usually comes with an API for triggering tracing, which the program must call. And this is our chicken-and-egg problem: when perf came out, it was immediately usable for all the natively compiled programs out there – and everyone looking into performance could use it, and wanted to make it better. But with a tracing profiler, most programs must be changed for it to be usable, if only a little bit, and who wants to risk developing a tool that nobody can use on day one?

(There is, of course, the other major problem with tracing profilers - their larger overhead compared to sampling profilers. This IMO explains why dynamic languages are more likely to have a tracing profiler than static languages at this time. Not only are these languages designed for things like intercepting function calls without the language maker having to add support for this, making things easier for “community tool makers,” but the execution is so slow to begin with that the overhead of a tracing profiler is relatively smaller than in static languages, and thus doesn’t deter tool makers and users alike as much. We’ll talk about the overhead later, when we get to compiled languages.)

Anyway, you use the tracing API:

tracer = viztracer.VizTracer()



You start with your init flow, if only because there’s just one such flow, as opposed to the many runtime event handling flows. You get your trace.json file, and you run vizviewer trace.json. A browser tab pops up, and in that tab, you see this message:


At this point, I hope you brought your big yak shaving machine. If, like me, you’ve only brought the small one, this is where it breaks (“great, I knew it was a waste of time to look for a tracing profiler, of course this stuff comes broken out of the box”) and you go back to looking at tables of numbers for a while, until this irritates you enough to try again. Then you find out that your init flow was long enough to trigger a known bug that likely won’t be fixed, but there’s a fine workaround – all you need to do if vizviewer gives you “Error: RPC framing error” is to reopen trace.json from the web UI1.

Happy happy, joy joy, you think to yourself, and get busy profiling your runtime flows. You open the traces – wow, so much better than tables of numbers!


There it is, my wonderfully optimized resizing function in “unsafe Python” - and to its left, a bunch of short calls, looks like it’s drawing lots of buttons in a loop - maybe it’ll be faster to draw them as one larger image?.. Way nicer than the tables!

The colorful stalactites are reminiscent of flamegraphs2, though they aren’t flamegraphs - they represent the execution timeline, not the share of time spent per callstack. Vizviewer can show actual flamegraphs, too - pass --flamegraph. In our example, instead of the many little calls on the left in the screenshot above, you will get the following succinct summary (with the functions colored differently – done by different code, I guess?..):


Note that this is the exact flamegraph of a short period of time captured in a trace – while a sampling profiler shows you an approximate flamegraph of a long period of time, a very different thing.

In any case, now that tracing basically works, you have a simple playbook:

As you follow this playbook, you run into some issues:

But, it’s not that many issues. You do need to write some code around a tracing profiler to make it work for you – but not a lot, and it’s well worth your trouble, certainly with viztracer, which is absolutely great3. Here’s my code for this, presented mainly to show that it’s <150 LOC – there’s not much to it.

And now that we’ve seen how useful they are, let’s make our own tracing profiler!

Funtrace: making a tracing profiler for native code

To trace function calls in a compiled language, you need 4 main things:

Actually, you also need a 5th thing, which one might call the first – namely, assumptions about the user’s workflow: what the user needs to do, is willing to do, and is not willing to do. For funtrace, these assumptions are:

I like these assumptions for two reasons: this is the workflow I want as a user, and you get a small and fast runtime with these assumptions. However, this is not the only possible set of sensible assumptions, and we’ll see below how very different assumptions influence the design of LLVM XRay.

And now with our workflow assumptions in mind, let’s think step by step, as we tell LLMs when we want to guide their boundless creativity away from complete bullshit, and work our way through the list of key components in a tracer.

Compiler instrumentation

With any native language using LLVM, you can write a compiler pass calling some event handlers upon function entry & exit – and with GCC as well, though most would prefer LLVM’s APIs for this.

Specifically in funtrace, however, my goal was to use existing compiler flags for instrumentation. Specifically with C++, g++ and clang++ make this possible, and compiler flags are more consistent across compiler versions than the internal APIs for writing a compiler pass. And even if my pass supported multiple compiler versions, who’d want to build it for their specific compiler version so as to try funtrace?..

g++ and clang++ have the following flags, all supported by funtrace, and each having its own pros and cons:

Runtime code

Our trace entries keep a timestamp, and a pointer into the code of a function. The highest bit of the code pointer is used to mark an entry as “call” or “return” (no machine actually uses all the 64 bits of a pointer in userspace.)

Getting a cycle-accurate timestamp is fairly cheap; x86 has the so-called TSC (timestamp counter), which you read with the RDTSC instruction. We’ll discuss alternatives to TSC on x86 and elsewhere in our “hardcore followup.”

We keep thread-local cyclic buffers of these entries. The user can dump them in full in one of 2 ways:

As we’ve seen above, "suddenly dumping the whole trace" like this works for peeking into programs you know nothing about, but it’s not great. Dumping the full content of the buffers is costly in time & space, and then looking at this data gets annoying, too. For example, some threads are idler than others, and keep very old events in their buffers thanks to this idleness. These old events cause the timeline UI to zoom out so much that you can’t see anything.

You can pass flags to the funtrace decoder asking to ignore some threads, or to ignore events past a certain age. But it’s actually much easier to know at the time you’re taking the snapshot what that age should be:

uint64_t start_time = funtrace_time(); //wraps RDTSC


uint64_t latency = funtrace_time() - start_time;

if(latency > _slowest) {
  _slowest = latency;

  _snapshot = funtrace_pause_and_get_snapshot_starting_at_time(start_time);

  //eventually we’ll write _snapshot out with
//else (if latency <= _slowest, the typical case),
//the only overhead added by our tracing logic
//is the 2 funtrace_time() calls

Now the snapshot only keeps “the interesting part” – small, and easy to look at. Tracing is always on, so the program can decide at any moment that “something interesting” happened, and save the recent events according to the appropriate definition of “recent.”6

Appending to a cyclic buffer is easy; the ANDing of the current pointer (not index) with a mask is the only slightly tricky thing (see Hardcore Follow-up.)

void trace(uint64_t code_ptr, uint64_t flags)
    //trace_buf is declared thread_local
    uint64_t buf_ptr = (uint64_t)trace_buf.pos;
    buf_ptr &= trace_buf.wraparound_mask;
    event* entry = (event*)buf_ptr;
    if(!entry) {
    entry->func = code_ptr | flags;
    entry->cycle = __rdtsc();
    trace_buf.pos = entry + 1;

The flags argument is 0 for calls and 1<<63 for returns7. To pause tracing, we set wraparound_mask to 0. Since we must have the “if(!entry)” for pausing, we might as well also set the mask to 0 to support disabling tracing at runtime, which cuts ~85% of the overhead in my tests.

(Note that the code above is racy - it might take some time until a thread reads the zero from wraparound_mask which another thread pausing the tracing wrote; we don’t particularly mind - at worst, we’ll overwrite a few old events. Likewise, some recent writes might not be visible to the snapshotting code reading the buffers - we don’t particularly mind, either8.)

The “nice” C callbacks __cyg_profile_func_enter/exit simply call the trace() function above. Things are harder for the __fentry__ & __return__ callbacks. Firstly, they aren’t passed the address of the function calling them as an argument - but we could get that with __builtin_return_address(0)9. More importantly, they aren’t called according to the C calling convention - the compiler “just calls them,” without bothering to save registers where their caller’s arguments might be kept, for example.

I don’t know how to tell gcc or clang, “please don’t use registers where arguments are passed - please only use temporary caller-saved registers.” And if you implement __fentry__ in C, and the compiler clobbers a register where arguments are passed, and __fentry__ was called from a function which gets arguments, that function’s argument will have been clobbered.

So I wrote these functions in x86 assembly, basically by taking what the compiler produces from trace(__builtin_return_address(0), flags) and then changing the code to only use those registers that I am allowed to in this “non-standard calling convention” – or saving those registers that I can’t help using, but shouldn’t clobber.

(RDX and RAX are the annoying ones. RDTSC is hardwired to clobber them, but they’re also used for an argument and the return value, respectively, so it works out to __fentry__ having to save RDX, and __return__ having to save both. Many more appetising details of this sort await in the Hardcore Followup; generally, writing a tracing profiler today involves figuring out many small and simple, if somewhat arcane things, but not a lot of code - the perfect job for myself, I find.)

Of course, just the content of the buffers is not enough to make sense of the snapshot once it was dumped. We also need to know:

With that, we can decode the code pointers and the timestamps, respectively. One last nice thing to save is thread names. The OS spends lavishly to let us userspace peasants name our threads - 15 (!!) characters per thread (16 with the null byte), and funtrace reads these names with pthread_getname_np10.

That’s it - we have our snapshot.

Decoded trace viewer

We need to decode the trace before viewing it. But first, we need to decide what the viewer will be, to make our decoder emit the trace in the viewer’s format. Vizviewer, for example, is based on Perfetto. In fact, it turns out that every tracing profiler mentioned in this post (viztracer, magic-trace, XRay) uses Perfetto for the viewer.

I assume that Perfetto owes its popularity to its quick rendering of very large traces at arbitrary zoom, its beautiful look & feel, and its simple JSON trace format - just a bunch of records with a name, start timestamp, duration, and thread ID:

"traceEvents": [

Note how we didn’t tell which function called which - Perfetto just finds which time ranges are nested within other time ranges, and stacks them accordingly:


Today, however, I don’t recommend following vizviewer’s example and using Perfetto. Much better to do what vizviewer couldn’t do - use vizviewer itself!

A big reason is that vizviewer extends the JSON format to include the source code of functions (and unlike every damned debugging and profiling tool, here’s a program finally doing the right thing and putting the source code into the JSON instead of file names – so that you actually look at the source code that was traced, and not the code appearing in those files right now, possibly with some newer changes! And you can also send these JSON files to someone and they’re self-contained, and they’ll open on their machine – unlike typical tool reports referencing source code.)

So funtrace2viz, our trace decoder, simply produces a vizviewer JSON; to view it, instrall viztracver with pip install viztracer, and you’ll get vizviewer in your $PATH. And now all we need is an…

Offline trace decoder

Our trace entries have 2 fields – a code pointer and a cycle – so decoding involves 2 jobs:

Therefore, we should do this in Rust, which has excellent libraries for both tasks.

Libraries for both tasks, you think; the 2nd task being multiplication of numbers. I guess this guy’s rabid hatred of C++ metastasized into rabid Rust fandom, you think; sad, if unsurprising – a textbook example of mental illness.

Well, ackchyually, I’m a less rabid Rust fan than I’d like; I’m afraid that if you’re into stuff involving a mix of GUI and number crunching, a combination of C++ and Python is your best bet today, if only because these are the two widely popular languages which people use for this stuff, and where most of the libraries and tools are11.

That said, yes, converting cycles to microseconds is ”a task,” as evidenced by the following comment in XRay’s code:

// Chrome trace event format always wants data in micros.
// CyclesPerMicro = CycleHertz / 10^6
// TSC / CyclesPerMicro == TSC * 10^6 / CycleHertz == MicroTimestamp
// Could lose some precision here by converting the TSC to 
// a double to multiply by the period in micros. 52 bit
// mantissa is a good start though.
// TODO: Make feature request to Chrome Trace viewer to
// accept ticks and a frequency or do some more involved
// calculation to avoid dangers of conversion.

You see, TSC is a 64b number, and if your machine has been running for a while, it will have more than 52 significant bits, and you will start losing the low bits, because they won’t fit into a double’s mantissa. Now, in Rust, all I had to do to avoid this precision loss was `cargo add num`, and then use Ratio<BigInt> for the conversion.

But if it was C++, while you can find a library for this, you would want to avoid the dependency – because without a standard build & packaging system, dependencies are a major PITA. So I’d just leave a TODO like they did in XRay.

Rust is the fastest popular language with a standard package manager. This alone will make you extremely productive in areas it has good libraries for, if you’re looking to minimize the product of machine time x developer time. Mature support and widespread use of binary packages for C++ code would greatly boost Rust’s applicability! For instance, pip installing Python bindings wrapping C++ libraries is way easier than managing these libraries as source dependencies. If Rust could become “a packaging system for C++” like Python effectively is, it would immediately become very tempting to use just for this reason!12

Of course, our bigger task is parsing ELF (with goblin::elf) and DWARF (with addr2line) - and we need to parse both. Only DWARF has line info, but only ELF has symbols containing some of the code pointers – for example, gcc doesn’t bother to produce DWARF debug info for “thunks” it generates. What’s a thunk? Well, there are “virtual thunks” and “non-virtual thunks” according to the C++ demangler (cargo add cpp_demangle); I’m sure this means something, but I don’t care exactly what it is – I just want some name related to the source code at least somewhat instead of bare hex garbage.

Which reminds me – and I’m sure experienced programmers have seen it coming – we actually have three jobs: converting code pointers to names, converting cycles to microseconds, and dealing with random shit. Examples of the latter:

But, that’s about it. I dwell on the details in part to show that it’s not that much work, even if you’re aiming to cover enough ground for “serious uses” - threads, exceptions, shared objects, multiple compiler instrumentation options, etc. etc. The decoding is about 1K LOC, same as the runtime (but with way more library dependencies!)

One last item to file under “random shit” is converting ftrace timestamps (similar to, but uglier than converting our trace entry timestamps), bringing us to…

ftrace: tracing thread state changes

A function tracer traces function calls, and since we just did, we could use this tautology to declare that our job is done. However, you’ll wonder if a function taking a long time was actually computing something or waiting for something – so you need to know whether the thread was in a running state or not.

Linux can trace many kernel events, including scheduling events. A userspace peasant with the right permissions (eg sudo chown -R $USER /sys/kernel/tracing) can configure ftrace to log thread scheduling events. You get the latest events from the kernel buffer with cat /sys/kernel/tracing/trace (and no, you don’t need to actually understand the example log below to follow what’s next - just showing it for those curious about tracing on Linux):

#                   _-----=> irqs-off
#                  / _----=> need-resched
#                 | / _---=> hardirq/softirq
#                 || / _--=> preempt-depth
#                 ||| / _-=> migrate-disable
#                 |||| /     delay
#     | |     |   |||||     |         |
  <...>-78  [003] ..... 30625460: task_newtask: pid=81 comm=main clone_flags=3d0f00 oom_score_adj=0
 <idle>-0   [004] d.... 30701644: sched_switch: prev_comm=swapper/4 prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=main next_pid=81 next_prio=120
  <...>-78  [003] d.... 30747413: sched_switch: prev_comm=main prev_pid=78 prev_prio=120 prev_state=D ==> next_comm=swapper/3 next_pid=0 next_prio=120
  <...>-81  [004] d.... 30750940: sched_waking: comm=main pid=78 prio=120 target_cpu=003
 <idle>-0   [003] d.... 30780026: sched_switch: prev_comm=swapper/3 prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=main next_pid=78 next_prio=120
  <...>-81  [004] ..... 30810996: task_rename: pid=81 oldcomm=main newcomm=worker oom_score_adj=0
  <...>-78  [003] d.s.. 37939679: sched_waking: comm=rcu_sched pid=15 prio=120 target_cpu=035
  <...>-81  [004] d.h.. 38466542: sched_waking: comm=code pid=9974 prio=120 target_cpu=004

It turns out that we don’t even need to parse this format – Perfetto can simply read ftrace data from a systemTraceEvents JSON key, and has special support for visualizing scheduling events. Here’s how it looks like:


Perfetto shows us which thread each CPU core is running at any given moment (where “swapper” is Linux-speak for “nothing”.) To each thread, Perfetto adds a special lane showing whether its state is Running, Runnable (light green), or waiting for something (white/blank.)

So all we have to do is collect and log ftrace events (~200 lines of funtrace’s ~1200 LOC runtime.) We configure trace_clock to x86-tsc to synchronize timestamps with our function call/return events. We read the scheduling events supported by Perfetto from trace_pipe (only listening to events from our process and its children, or we’ll be flooded with data, including too many CPU lanes to vertically scroll through.) And we maintain a circular buffer of events, so that we can get a snapshot of all events after some time threshold at any moment.

That’s it - the offline decoder converts ftrace timestamps from TSC to milliseconds (a bit ugly to have to massage text like this, but no biggie; weird that you have to do this - the JSON evidently wasn’t designed for TSC, the fastest timestamping method, but whatever.) And we’re done.

Note that there’s WAY more info that we could get from ftrace. For example, we could show how threads wait for each other because of taking the same locks, etc. etc. I just picked the low-hanging fruit, which was enough for a certain “completeness” – you can know both what functions the CPU was running and when it was waiting.

I don’t know why other function tracers using Perfetto don’t collect ftrace data, with Perfetto making it so easy. I think some come from a larger system having another part doing this – and perhaps others don’t bother because users have trouble getting permissions to access ftrace?!.. Why do I need permissions to know when my own threads were scheduled?.. (I confess up front that if there’s an answer, I might refuse to understand it. I hate permissions!)

Getting traces from core dumps

I firmly believe that in addition to compile-time and runtime support, proper developer tools come with coretime support. I have a morbid fascination with coredump-oriented design: make your data structures easy to extract from core dumps, and write the code to do so.

Function traces might come handy when performing an autopsy on a core dump – it helps to see what the program was doing before it crashed. Looking at when your threads were doing what might help understand a race condition. A null dereferencing might become obvious once you see that the wrong flow was running. And then some core dumps might be due to performance being too bad (eg a real time program purposely crashing during test cycles), and traces are perfect for that.

So funtrace comes with a gdb.Python extension command, imaginatively named funtrace. It reads the thread-local trace buffers, as well as the ftrace events13. We also save the addresses where shared libraries were loaded to, which we get from gdb’s info proc mappings. You get a funtrace.raw file in the same format you’d get from funtrace_save_snapshot(), and you can decode it with funtrace2viz. At ~120 LOC, our “coretime” costs us just 10% of our runtime in terms of lines of code.

funcount: culling overhead

In a microbenchmark, it takes 8-9 ns to log one trace entry in my tests, and every function call takes 2 entries. This can be a lot or a little, depending on how much work a function does on average. From my experience, you’ll probably want to disable tracing for a bunch of short functions to get the overall overhead down to single-digit percentage points – what I’d call a fair price for being able to debug performance issues (it costs money because it saves money, like a plumber said in some movie; up to a point, slower code that you can optimize thanks to the extra visibility ends up being faster, because you will have used more optimization opportunities.)

You can exclude a function from tracing using the NOFUNTRACE macro, which adds an __attribute__ to the function disabling compiler instrumentation. The question is, which functions to exclude? You could check some traces and find often-called short functions. But this brings back the first problem with tracing profilers: what to trace? Traces are short - perfect for understanding interesting outlier events, but not for understanding the overhead on average like we want here.

The obvious approach is, let’s sort the functions by the number of times they’re called, and consider disabling tracing on those called most often. However, what is actually not obvious is how to count function calls. A sampling profiler can’t tell the difference between a long function called once and a shorter function called many times14. gprof collects accurate call counts – for single-threaded programs; in multithreaded programs, the call counts are garbage. And callgrind is slow, and won’t run in many environments.

So, funtrace ships its own tool for counting calls, funcount – which is nice, in particular, because it counts the exact same calls that funtrace would instrument under whatever compiler flags you chose. It works like this:

There’s also a knob to tune a time/space tradeoff: if you compile with -DFUNCOUNT_PAGE_TABLES=16, 16 page tables will be kept instead of one, with threads indexing into the page table cpu_core_number % 16 (we get the core number from RDTSCP.) If you have many threads calling the same functions, more page tables means less fighting for the cache lines keeping these functions’ counters – at the cost of using more memory. The final report is the sum of the counts from all the page tables.

This thing is about as fast as funtrace, modest in memory use, takes ~250 LOC for the runtime + ~60 LOC for the offline decoding – and like funtrace itself, is easy to understand and port.

While we’re on the subject of tracing overhead, one might ask – isn’t opt-in tracing better? Instead of tracing by default and using tools to find when to opt out of tracing, why not let people trace whatever they want, without putting tracing in behind their backs?

This approach can work well for some teams. I believe that tracing by default is better for most projects, if only because the code with the most surprising performance artifacts is both what you want traced the most in hindsight, and what was most likely not traced satisfactorily up front in an opt-in tracing regime, since nobody expected the surprise by definition.

Another point is that an “opt-in tracing backlog,” where many people just don’t opt in for a long time, can easily grow so much that you will lose all hope to use tracing when you need it. The “opting-out” backlog cannot grow so badly, because too much tracing results in performance problems that you will have to fix long before they’ll get too daunting to even try. This is similar to the argument for tracing in production vs flipping a switch when you need tracing – a switch that’s off by default is unlikely to really work when you need it.

Last but not least, opting out is typically less work than opting in, making tracing cost less in development time. You can definitely create a culture where people carefully put tracing statements into their code; the endlessly growing “tracing backlog” is likely, but it’s not destiny. But then changing code becomes more costly, so you’ll tend to avoid it more often – a problem in its own right. The same thing happens with other “good things,” like documentation and tests – they make your system better, but you take more time making it, and then balk at making major changes. The nice thing about tracing is that unlike documentation and tests, you can have it done mostly automatically with a bit of manual intervention.

Antithesis: LLVM XRay

The thesis behind funtrace is that the user:

Now let’s look at XRay, built on assumptions we could call the antithesis of ours:

In short, the programmers who wrote the traced code are patients signing a consent form for periodic checkups – and the X-Ray machine operators are trained doctors on a separate team. For a big company, these are very sensible assumptions. With this in mind, let’s look at how XRay works:

Thus an XRay trace entry is half the size of funtrace’s (and it’s furthermore very easy to keep short calls out of the trace), but XRay’s runtime overhead per instrumented function call is 6 times as large (as measured in a microbenchmark, FWIW.)

This is the sensible tradeoff for a big company with a big code base, a big performance team outside the teams owning the code, and a big tooling team implementing the tracing profiler:

Thus it is the right thing, for a big company, to invest effort into thread-safe runtime code patching, a system for creating and decoding small function IDs, runtime mechanisms for filtering the trace which are slow and make traces harder to understand - but the performance team will manage to understand them, and this is how you get data covering a sufficiently large time range to this team.

The adverse effects of this approach manifest in “smaller” contexts:

A big tooling team can deal with the complexity of runtime patching and function ID decoding in the presence of DSOs18; evidently it’s harder for a smaller project. Using code pointers as IDs spares you these complications, but you pay in trace entry size – which is OK for a smaller software system, where you can put in logic for tracing just what you want.

Bigness begets bigness and works well with bigness, and vice versa. Neither big nor small are “better;” both are fine as long as you “go big” or small consistently, and when the environment calls for it.

Synthesis: funtrace with XRay characteristics

You can use funtrace with XRay instrumentation – a straightforward kind of synthesis. This uses almost the same assembly call/return handlers that we have for gcc with the -pg… instrumentation flags – these get called instead of XRay’s callbacks.

Why would you use -fxray-instrument instead of -finstrument-functions-after-inlining, the other way to use funtrace under clang?

Note that you need a recent LLVM to be able to trace inside DSOs with XRay instrumentation – specifically, a version having the -fxray-shared flag.

Note as well that support for exceptions under -fxray-instrument has some limitations (same as with gcc under -pg), though it’s pretty good and a big step up from XRay’s not supporting exceptions at all (the Google style guide bans C++ exceptions, and I must say that I fully share their distaste for the feature – but many programs use exceptions, so funtrace makes an effort to support them, as we’ll see in the followup.)

Now, what would be a deeper form of synthesis than just combining XRay instrumentation with funtrace runtime? What does a synthesis of assumptions look like?

Let’s say we assume the developer is “the user” of tracing and “owns” it, rather than relying on a performance team. We can still ask ourselves, when is the developer the closest to the position of such a performance team? The answer is, when adding tracing to their program for the first time!

I mean, if you started out with tracing from day one, then you’re never in that position. But if you already have a biggish system and you’re adding tracing to it, then it’s very tedious to manually exclude lots of small functions from tracing. How can we make this easier?

Sounds great, but you might be wondering, how does funtrace “add a compile time flag”, if it uses stock gcc or clang with no changes or compiler passes?.. If you had a feeling of something fishy coming up, you were very right. Funtrace adds these trace filtering flags by post-processing the assembly code generated by the compiler. Some implications of this:

So one might decide that this assembly post-processing is more suitable for initial experimentation than a long-term production deployment. It’s there; it’s your call in what scope to use it, and people will have different preferences for good reasons. I personally don’t mind the risk of incorrect code generation that much, because I’m good at debugging such things, and I count on tests to uncover it quickly. But this is the opposite of the right approach for many teams, so I’ve given the exact opposite advice on some occasions.

Whether you want it for production or not, assembly post-processing should make first-time experiments with funtrace easier, by providing features for “an encounter with a system for which tracing is alien” – the situation XRay is designed around.

Hardware-assisted tracing

Most CPUs have some hardware tracing facilities, but the most basic & common of these are designed for people debugging the hardware itself or very low-level software like kernels and boot loaders using something like a JTAG probe. For example, when a branch is taken, the instruction address or a delta might be sent to a probe like that over a dedicated channel, or it might be saved into a tiny circular SRAM buffer inside the chip that you can then read with the probe. This doesn’t help most people debugging large systems though.

An exception to this is the Intel Performance Trace, which lets you trace native code with zero instrumentation. The awesome magic-trace is built on top of it. You can try it with magic-trace run ls (for example); it works out of the box, no recompilation required, and the overhead is low (they say 2-10%.)

I’m unironically in shock that people deploying on x86, certainly to environments they control, don’t all insist on using Intel hardware to always run the code under magic-trace in production. (You can trigger tracing programmatically, and with these traces, you’ll be able to debug any latency issue you could have in production.) Did Google develop the high-overhead XRay when Intel Performance Trace already existed?.. (Not sure about the exact timeline; perhaps the two matured at about the same time?) How can it be that a decade after Intel Performance Trace was made, AMD still hasn’t caught up, and other platforms also lack equivalent features?

Seriously, it’s as if you had hardware floating point units for a decade and only a select few would be using them, or were even aware of them, with a few more stuck on software emulation, and most just using scaled integers, as in representing 1.05 with 105. How do we explain this?

I would be pleasantly surprised if this writeup would cause programmers’ demand for tracing profilers to outright explode, but I’m not counting on it. However, I have a suggestion for tracing support in the CPU hardware which is simple enough to risk implementing despite weak demand – and simple enough for interpreters and JITters to use. So you can realistically hope to put this thing into your CPU, have interpreters and JITters use it, and then programmers will love your hardware for its tracing features.

Here’s how it could work:


Thus we still rely on software to issue tracing instructions, but it’s just one instruction per event, we get timestamping, compression and cyclic buffer management for free, and the only cost is another instruction and the DRAM bandwidth spent on writing to the cyclic buffer (and we can write at a low priority - we don’t mind buffering these writes as long as we haven’t run out of SRAM in the module; we would also lose very little bandwidth to precharging/activating DRAM rows, since our writes are the opposite of random access.) We can also turn off the writing, and then the overhead shrinks to just fetching & decoding a NOP - “like XRay with tracing disabled.”

Two refinements of this idea in two opposite directions:

This scheme is very easy on the hardware; a “tracing device” with a RAM and a DMA is invisibly small in today’s hardware designs, and this doesn’t interfere with the CPU logic and doesn’t risk bugs, either those breaking the CPU or those breaking the trace.

As an added bonus, an interpreter can use TRACE and pass it some data which isn’t a machine instruction address but rather the ID of a function in the interpreted language. And a JITter can emit TRACE instructions into its code. (I feel that this would be bigger news for interpreters than JITters, but I think most JITters would benefit from it relatively to Intel Performance Trace-like hardware-assisted tracing – would be happy to hear the thoughts of people understanding JITters.)

I think it would be great to start seeing TRACE instructions in CPUs!

Conclusion and future work

We (it’s always “we” in papers, isn’t it?) have presented a comprehensive solution for C++ function tracing, ready for production use on x86/Linux and easy to port to many other platforms. We have also used the opportunity to discuss how to use a function tracer in your workflow, how to implement your own function tracer for native code, and which existing tools can help with the heavy lifting. Finally, we’ve seen how hardware could help making tracing more efficient and usable for both statically and dynamically compiled languages, in a relatively cheap & simple way.

Here are some things “we” could add to funtrace (more likely I than we – though I’d be happy to work with you on this!):

That’s it – I hope you liked it! And if you’re really into this kind of stuff (evidently, I’m really into this stuff!), give funtrace a try, and stay tuned for the Hardcore Followup!

Thanks to Dan Luu for reviewing a draft of this post.

See also

Sampling vs tracing was the greatest inspiration for this work. It discusses tracing in a distributed computing environment, and mentions some techniques different from what we’ve seen above – such as having your function entry/exit handlers write to a “current code pointer” global variable, read in a busy loop by a CPU core dedicated for tracing (YMMV, but this could lower the impact of tracing on latency at the cost of “burning” a CPU core, thus trading some of the machine’s throughput for the latency gain.)

  1. Note that, for every new trace.json, you want to run vizviwer trace.json, even if you fully expect to have to then open trace.json again from the Web UI, to work around the “RPC” thing. That’s because vizviewer reads the source code from the JSON at the server side. So if you just load the JSON from the web UI in a tab previously opened by vizviewer, you won’t get the source code – you’ll get “No source code found” messages.↩︎

  2. Traditionally, flamegraphs are displayed as stalagmites, growing upwards rather than downwards, but, like, whatever.↩︎

  3. I list the issues I ran into to encourage readers to use viztracer. If I just wrote how great it was, and then they tried it and ran into issues I didn’t mention, it would discourage them. In fact, I start twitching when I look for something and only find posts showing the happy path with nothing going wrong, and telling how awesome the thing is – it is a strong predictor of running into issues with no help in sight. But if I see the rare writeup listing a few rakes the author stepped on – and their exact whereabouts to keep me from stepping on them myself – that makes me very optimistic and eager to give the thing a try!↩︎

  4. Strictly speaking, it’s enough to instrument function entry points; the callback can then change the return address to jump into an epilogue which traces the return, and then jumps to the original return address. For funtrace on x86/Linux, “this is neither good nor necessary,” to quote Capablanca, but it makes sense in some situations.↩︎

  5. Zero overhead abstractions strike again! The billion-inline-wrappers style famously interferes with debugging, and profiling is a special case of that. But who cares? That’s overhead for developers, not machines. We’re here to serve machines! I mean, look how much we did for machines in quality and quantity in the last 80 years, compare that to the modest improvements they created for us, and weep.↩︎

  6. Pausing can “spoil” some snapshots, but very rarely. Specifically, if each of 2 threads notices an unusual event, and they take snapshots concurrently, the 1st thread will get a fine snapshot, but the 2nd might see a “hole” in its snapshot, because the 1st one paused tracing while snapshotting. But 2 overlapping, unusual events are, well, very unusual, and the 1st is still fully captured.↩︎

  7. Actually, it's worse or it would have been called flag rather than flags, but that stuff definitely belongs in the hardcore followup.↩︎

  8. The races in our tracing code can probably be fixed without having a memory barrier upon every event (like XRay does, for example.) I think we only need a barrier when we notice that tracing was paused, and we want whoever paused it to read up-to-date data. I felt that we can leave the races as is, and spare a bunch of extra complexity, on a rather naive theory of the memory system. Specifically, I believe that since we have one writer for the trace data (the thing written without locking – wraparound_mask is read without locking, but is written with a lock held), the worst that can happen is that a few recent writes will get stuck in the write buffer of the core running the traced thread. However, the bulk of the data will be in dirty cache lines, and the reader will get up-to-date data from these cache lines, because that’s how cache coherence works. I’m very willing to hear why things are worse than I think, especially with the funky binary search that the reader is running on the trace buffers – which will be discussed in The Hardcore Followup, but until then, feedback on the code is most welcome, too. I’m OK at this stuff but far from great, and much better at avoiding it than doing clever things with it.↩︎

  9. Actually, __cyg_profile_func_enter gives you the function pointer for the caller, while __builtin_return_address would give you an address of some instruction inside the caller. But both are fine for symbol table lookup – symbol table maps a function name to an address range containing both pointers; In fact, I don’t understand why __cyg_profile_func_enter bothers to give you the function pointer – __builtin_return_address would give you an equally useful address, and would save instructions at the instrumented functions.↩︎

  10. It should be a truth universally acknowledged that objects should have names – very useful for debugging. Awesome that threads have a whopping 15 characters for the name – can we also get this for locks, for example?.. This is a pet peeve of mine; I don’t understand why naming objects isn’t more common – the overhead is most often dwarfed by the utility. The overhead would be smaller still if this was something people cared about – eg you could variously assign 64b IDs mapped to names, instead of copying strings, if there was a standard way to manage these IDs.↩︎

  11. There’s often a feedback loop where there are some basic reasons for a language not being that great for some area, and then it becomes a feedback cycle of, “nobody uses the language for this, so language developers don’t care to further hurt this use case, so they do, and so people have even less reason to use the language for that use case.” I’m not sure this is the case with Rust & numerics; I haven’t thought about it deeply. It seems that numerics isn’t a focus area for the language, but there’s also a lot of serious “numerics-adjacent work” happening in Rust. So I guess we’ll see where this goes.↩︎

  12. In fact, to take our example, Rust’s Ratio<BigInt> is pretty slow – enough for me to have noticed & tried ratios with 64b numerators and denominators, which didn’t work for what I was doing, so back to BigInt I was. I’m pretty sure that MPFR would have been faster, but it’d also be a more painful dependency to deal with. So, Rust managing prebuilt packages a-la pip would have been great!↩︎

  13. A nice side effect of our thread reading from the kernel ftrace buffer into our own userspace buffer is that you can then get the events from a core dump. You could of course save ftrace together with the core using some funky /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern instead – but who’s ever gonna do it, and then propagate the trace together with the core through whatever scary path it goes through until reaching the developer?↩︎

  14. Actually, if we run the program with funtrace instrumentation, then a sampling profiler could tell us where our __fentry__ callback or whatever gets called from, since a good sampling profiler samples call stacks, and so it could show us the callstacks with __fentry__ sorted by call count. But this suffers from artifacts due to low sampling rate, and then it’s just an unpleasant, heavyweight and flaky workflow IME – I tried running perf record -g and then running hotspot and going to the Bottom Up or Caller/Callee tabs, and it sorta works, but I can’t recommend it. The nice thing about funcount is that it does this one job it’s named after, it provides a correct and straightforward answer to “the call count question,” and the reports are small & very easy to understand, combine and manipulate in whichever way you want.↩︎

  15. Actually our approach misses function calls in constructors – eg if you interpose dlopen, libc’s dlopen will map executable segments, call the constructors, and only then return to you, giving you your first chance to run dl_iterate_phdr with the new segments mapped. In most programs, however, for the purposes of lowering tracing overhead, missing constructor calls has got to be a non-problem.↩︎

  16. Decode the reports before combining them - function pointers are not the same across runs thanks to ASLR and what-not↩︎

  17. Actually, the so-called “basic logging format” (too slow for serious use, I’d say) can be said to be filtering functions by func_duration_threshold_us; it keeps a callstack at runtime, and so it knows the time a function call took, so it can compare to the threshold. “FDR (flight data recorder) logging” also uses this threshold, but I don’t think it’s as straightforward as “filtering by function duration” and I didn’t dig enough to tell you exactly what it does.↩︎

  18. It could be that Google’s internal version of XRay doesn’t support shared libraries, either, because Google links everything statically on the server – not sure they do, but if they do, I am here to say “you see, just like I told you – shared libraries are no good!” Anyway, my point is only that XRay’s effort to assign function IDs is a “big company thing” for various reasons I mentioned, and that it creates difficulties with shared library support that within a big company would be trivial, but evidently aren’t trivial outside it.↩︎

  19. We’ve all heard something about “every ending is a new beginning,” and since we all know that A being B is a transitive relationship, we could all extrapolate from this that every new beginning is an ending. But I think few of us were emotionally prepared by this logic to seeing every compiler-generated function beginning with an instruction called END_WHATEVER. I’m just saying, at some point, you have got to start wondering, “am I maybe doing this whole thing wrong, and should I do some bigger changes than the crazy incremental ones I’m finding myself doing?” And if it requires a Worldwide Software Czar to shake things up in the right direction, I just want you all to know that I could be available, if the price is right.↩︎