This section is about using inheritance such that the code really works, not just compiles. Unlike most "OO"-related sections in the FAQ, much of the material is applicable to decent OO systems and not only to C++.
FAQ: No, no, don't even think about it, don't do that, no. Your desire is probably the result of "muddy thinking".
FQA: With all due respect, it is your precious programming language that probably is the result of "muddy thinking". The question talks about overriding base class functions in the private section of your derived class. This is trivially and reliably detectable at compile time. If you get so excited about how wrong it is, why does it compile?
Answer: in C++, random things compile and other random things don't. The language definition is sloppy. What's that? You think the compiler writers made their own job easy by making yours hard? No, C++ is probably the hardest language to compile among those popular today. C++ is pointlessly sloppy.
The reason the FAQ gets so excited will become clear in the next answers. Basically, when your derived class overrides a function as private, you violate the substitutability principle: it is no longer true that an object of a derived class fully supports the interface of the base class. However, technically the functions from the base class are still accessible, because you can cast a pointer to a derived class object to the base class and call the function through the vtable (pretty muddy, isn't it?).
People define overridden virtual functions as private to convey the message that objects of the derived class should never be used directly, and the purpose of the class is to interact with a framework which works with objects through base class pointers. While the FAQ gets overly hysterical about this practice, the polarity of its answer ("no") is probably right.
FAQ: Because it shouldn't. Let's pretend it does work and see what happens.
Suppose you have a Dog* d. You pass it to a function void f(Pet** p) with f(&d) - which should be OK, since Dog is derived from Pet. The function does this: *p = new Cat; - perfectly legitimate, since Cat is derived from Pet, too. But now we have a Dog* pointing to a Cat object. So d->bark() will crash the program, or misbehave more severely, since a Cat may have a virtual function scratchFurniture at that slot of the vtable.
Actually, the FAQ uses a scarier example, which launches nuclear missiles as the result of the mistake. IMHO, nothing can beat the following classic in this department:
if(status = UNDER_ATTACK) { launch_nuclear_missiles(); }
Best Industry Practice: use peer reviews to increase the quality of your nuclear missiles launching code.
FQA: Yep, levels of indirection and static typing interact in non-obvious ways. This is another incarnation of the problem making it impossible to cast T** to const T**. Basically, a T* is always a S* doesn't mean a T** is always a S**.
The problem is that there are many cases where you know that you are doing something legitimate, but the compiler doesn't. For example, you know that it was you who filled this vector of Pets with a bunch of Dogs. You couldn't use a vector of Dogs because you wanted to pass it to a function working with a vector of Pets. And as we've just seen, the compiler wouldn't let you pass a vector of Dogs to a function expecting a vector of Pets, and for a good reason. So you ended up with a vector of Pets filled with Dogs. And now you want to fetch a Dog from the vector - but the elements are typed as Pets, so you have to use a cast. It wouldn't be that bad if these cases wouldn't cause many people to develop a habit of aggressive casting to have the compiler shut up, and/or C++ would catch illegal cast operations at run time.
Moral: static typing (having the compiler validate the code according to a set of rules specifying properties of types and their relationships) is hard. A static type system will get in your way. And it only partially compensates you by "validating the interfaces", because only some of interface specification can be modeled statically, as we'll see below. In particular, consider our example where you had to stuff your Dog objects into a vector of Pet pointers, all because the compiler insisted on the looser typing. Now the compiler won't prevent someone else from adding a Cat pointer to that vector, and then your code fetching a Pet* from the vector and casting it to a Dog* will misbehave.
I'm not saying that static typing is "bad", but if you think that dynamic typing is bad, you are very lucky - you're just one step away from a quite noticeable increase in your productivity. Pick a dynamically typed language and give it a try.
FAQ: No, because a Plane is one kind of Vehicle, and you don't want someone to park it at a cars' parking lot.
FQA: In English, apparently the answer is yes. In OO, the answer is no. In natural language, there's no strict definition of "kind-of" (or anything else, for that matter). OO systems are formal, and they have a precise definition for "kind-of": B is a kind of A if you can do to a B object whatever you can do to A, and it will work correctly (not just compile).
Programming languages are not natural languages. In particular, the good programming languages don't try to look "natural" when such attempts make it hard to understand the formal, precise and dumb stuff the machine actually does. If you ever wondered what on Earth the C++ expression a->b does (when a is an object of a smart pointer template class with 7 parameters), you know what I mean.
FAQ: No. Think of the array as an implementation of a parking lot, and you'll see that the answer follows from the previous FAQ.
FQA: Note that the ability of the compiler to figure out whether something is a kind-of something else is limited. In particular, it seems to work better with types related by inheritance (base and derived classes) than with types related by qualifiers (const and non-const) or by the way they are instantiated from the same templates. For example, a vector<T*> is apparently a kind-of const vector<const T*>, because there's nothing you can do with an all-const vector you couldn't do with an all-non-const vector. But the compiler doesn't know that.
One way around this is "duck typing" - don't bother to specify the relationships between the types, just pass objects to functions, which will work if the object can do whatever they ask it to do, and raise a run time error otherwise. "If it walks like a duck then it is a duck" and all that - you don't have to define a Duck interface all ducks should follow, just get an object and call methods such as walkLikeADuck. C++ doesn't have duck typing because it would require the compiler to rely on non-trivial and not-so-lightweight run time mechanisms, which kind of goes against the "spirit" of C++ (not that the run time mechanisms used to implement exceptions are trivial, mind you).
One could claim that duck typing is incompatible with the "spirit of C++" because it involves run-time dispatching, but so do virtual functions, which are more efficient but less flexible and much more likely to trigger recompilations - a big deal in many situations. Or one could claim that duck typing is not "the C++ way" because it leaves out the specification of interfaces, but so do templates, which provide "static duck typing" - too bad they are such a pile of toxic waste that the scope of this discussion is too narrow to even briefly describe why. Or one could claim that with duck typing, you can fail at run time because someone provided an object of the wrong type - but nothing prevents someone from simply passing a null pointer to a C++ function that can't handle that and have it crash much harder than any code in a safe dynamic language ever will.
The true reason making duck typing incompatible with The C++ Way is the 95% Is Nothing Axiom. It goes like this: "if something is only useful for 95% of the cases, and it doesn't map almost directly to C, it's not worth adding to C". Other examples of the application of this axiom to the design of C++ is the lack of garbage collection, which "only" handles memory (>95% of all "resources"), and "only" in non-real-time applications (>95% of all application code).
The consequences of this axiom wouldn't be that bad if the features C++ did add to C were any good.
FAQ: Yes, arrays are evil. Normally you should use std::vector instead of arrays. But if you are an enlightened OO specialist and so is everyone likely to maintain your code, and you fully understand the interaction of "kind-of" and arrays, you may use them.
FQA: Huh? Arrays and vectors are synonyms in the context of the "kind-of" issue. What does the cult advocating the replacement of C features, which have their problems, with new shiny C++ features having much worse problems have to do with proper inheritance?
What's that? Casting arrays is easier than casting vectors? Try this: (vector<T>*)&vec_of_something_else_than_T. Seriously, this is one weird question with a strange answer we have here.
FAQ: Sometimes it is, most frequently it isn't. For example, if an Ellipse lets you change the size in a way making it asymmetrical, it's not a Circle.
The point is that if you derive a Circle from an Ellipse and then someone tries to use an Ellipse* which really points to a Circle object, there's no way to make it work gracefully. Either the calling code will get an error in some form, even though it does something which should be possible to do with an Ellipse, or the Circle object will obey to the caller and become an invalid circle, breaking some other legitimate piece of code which does expect it to be a valid circle.
FQA: This is just like the parking lot example in the sense that "kind-of" in English means many different things, some of which are incompatible with the precise definition of "kind-of" used in OO. The important point is that the interfaces are protocols and implementations must follow them.
Some people think about inheritance merely as another form of "binding" - having the compiler call a function using new syntax. From this point of view, everything is legitimate as long as the program compiles and does whatever the end user expects. But this way inheritance only makes programming harder (another kind of syntax to decipher). The more restrictive "interfaces as a protocol" approach can make programming easier because when you implement a bunch of protocols correctly, you can extend a program without tweaking its code (for example, add a movie format to a media player). But this only works if you really follow the protocol. If you sort of do it ("a Circle is a kind-of Ellipse, well, almost - just don't call this function"), the media player will crash.
There are numerous families of examples where natural languages and OO terms are not aligned (which doesn't mean OO is bad - it means it's formal, which is good for computer programming). The "parking lot" represents one family (collections); Circle/Ellipse represent another one (parametric representations). One family of "positive" examples (where inheritance is likely to be proper) is record types (a CPlusPlusProgrammer has all the fields of a Programmer, plus a couple of new, orthogonal members, such as headAgainstTheWallBangingFrequency).
FAQ: Well, you need to get rid of some of your original claims to get back to consistency. Either Ellipse has no setSize function which can make a circular Ellipse object non-circular, or there's no inheritance which makes it possible to call such a function on a Circle object, or you can even choose to live with the fact that some of your Circle objects will become non-circular (and have the code working with Circle objects deal with it).
Trying to keep all claims and cover up the problem by doing "something reasonable" (like calling abort when setSize is called with a Circle object, or "fixing" its arguments) is not going to solve the problem, because ultimately it breaks the assumptions behind the calling code.
FQA: The FAQ answer is apparently correct and complete. Incidentally, this isn't exclusively about C++, it's about OO in general.
One solution is to have setSize return a new Ellipse object. This way, Circle::setSize will return a Circle unless the new size is asymmetrical, in which case it will return an Ellipse. One possible benefit is efficiency - circles have less parameters than ellipses, so if you have lots of operations to do with a bunch of objects, you'd rather have all of the objects that can be represented as Circle objects actually be represented that way, not as redundant Ellipse objects.
If you "roll your own OO" (that is, implement inheritance yourself instead of directly relying on language features), you can avoid the creation of a new object and instead dynamically change its type. For example, setSize may change the vptr to point to an Ellipse vtable when the new size is asymmetrical. This kind of thing is implemented in the POV-Ray ray tracer, written in C.
The fact that you can't do it in a portable way with C++ inheritance probably doesn't mean that C++ inheritance is underpowered (surprise!) - you need this kind of thing once in a lifetime, and you must have it very well thought-out to make it really work, and in these rare cases you can go ahead and use function pointers instead of inheritance and implement it. There probably are people that would classify this limitation as a symptom of a deeper problem - having too much logic built into the compiler and too little ways to implement compile time logic in user code - but it's debatable.
FAQ: It means a different thing: your intuition is wrong in the sense that it leads you to make wrong decisions about inheritance. The right way to think about "kind-of" is this: B is a kind of A if you can always substitute a B for an A.
FQA: I like how this question is formulated. Shows spirit. In general, the FAQ can be quite entertaining if you're into that sort of thing. If I could legitimately quote the answers instead of summarizing them, I'd sure would.
Which is all nice and dandy, but did you notice the disturbing claim "your intuition is wrong"? Instead of admitting that OO is not a natural language, and it doesn't have to map directly to a natural language, the FAQ actively tries to persuade you to change the way you use natural language words to make your thinking OO-compatible. Next, they'll ship patches you should apply to your DNA, and a sticker saying "Designed for C++ Programming" for your skull.
I think this point is worth discussion because it's representative of the whole notion of "good" in the C++ world. C++ tries to make the program look natural. See - we add things with the plus sign, and errors are handled transparently, and resources are managed automatically - that's one very high-level language, and it's efficient, too! But make a single error in your program - and finding it becomes an nightmare. What is really being called by this a+b expression? What really happens upon error? And this object we deallocate here - how do we know nobody is keeping a pointer to it? Because all our pointers are "smart"? But look - here we use a library using bare pointers, and here's one using different smart pointer classes. What is really going on here?
The basic rule C++ breaks is this: don't make promises you can't keep. Don't say that inheritance is equivalent to the way people think about "kind-of" - introduce it from the beginning in terms of substitutability. Don't pretend you manage resources "automatically" when in fact it's the responsibility of everyone to follow non-trivial protocols for this to work, and a single error is fatal - make it visible where resources are acquired and released. Or you can really manage them automatically - with garbage collection or reference counting or otherwise. But if you refuse to do it, which may be perfectly legitimate at times, admit it. Changing your terms is more productive than waiting for everyone to change theirs.
Of course the Circle/Ellipse problem is not an example of "making promises that can't be kept". It's the FAQ's claims about OO "capturing the way we think" that are such an example.
FAQ: Probably not. For example, what would the radius() accessor do, and how would it be compatible with an assumption that is most likely a part of the Circle protocol that you can use radius() to compute the area()?
FQA: I think it's very easy to see with a slightly different, but a related example. What is more stupid: to claim that a triangle is a rectangle with two identical vertices, or that a rectangle is a triangle with 4 vertices? It probably sounds equally stupid to most people.
The major reason making people who themselves would think these claims are stupid to go ahead and derive Triangle from Rectangle or vice versa is that they don't think they are in fact making such claims by implementing such inheritance.
The idea is this: inheritance is not just yet another kind of syntax. Its purpose is not to save a couple of lines of code in the derived class (which you may accomplish by deriving Triangle from Rectangle). And the compiler can't check that your inheritance is correct (this is really hard for C++ aficionados to accept: the compiler can't check something!). Inheritance is about writing code that follows a protocol, making it possible to call this code from any function written to work with objects that follow that protocol, and thus reusing the calling code (possibly a lot of such code - much more than the couple of lines you saved in the derived class).
And if your inheritance does not guarantee substitutability, then the compiler won't be able to catch your error (it's type checking assumes that you provide substitutability - that's why it lets you use pointers to derived class objects in contexts expecting base class object pointers). And you'll confuse most people (frequently including yourself), who also expect substitutability, especially since the compiler agrees by letting them pass an Ellipse where a Circle is required. And if you really don't need substitutability, you don't really need (public) inheritance, either.
FAQ: But you see, all examples of improper inheritance are basically equivalent to the Circle/Ellipse case. Inheritance is bad when a base class provides functionality which a derived class can't provide (in the Ellipse case, that's asymmetrical resizing). The problem with inheritance in such cases is that it comes without substitutability, breaking a basic assumption shared by programmers using the classes and the compiler (which automatically allows to use objects of derived classes where base class objects are expected).
FQA: Exactly. People obsessed with compile-time error checking, repeat: the compiler does the static type checking (as in "this object is of class Derived - OK, it's a legitimate parameter to function f(Base&)") based on assumptions it can not check ("whoever wrote Derived made it substitutable for Base"). Say it again: the compiler does the static type checking based on assumptions it can not check. The compiler does the static type checking based on assumptions it can not check.
Translation: the correctness of an interesting program can not be checked at compile time. All programmers are supposed to know it, but some keep forgetting. So is it ultimately better to spend your time on type safety (things like making sure that nobody can cast vector<T>::iterator to the underlying T*) or writing tests checking that your code behaves correctly at run time? You be the judge.
FAQ: They are, but the classes Circle and Ellipse have a different definition - the C++ code defining the classes. In your program, that's the definition of Circle and Ellipse, and that's what you have to look at to validate your inheritance. If you keep thinking about the mathematical connotations, let's replace the class names with Foo and Bar for the moment; that's all the same for the compiler.
Now that we've defined the meaning of Circle and Ellipse, recall that "inherits" means "is substitutable for" (not "is a" or "is a kind of", which are not precise definitions). With these definitions, you can get the right answer using the previous FAQs.
FQA: Exactly - you can't implement the mathematical notion of "circle" in a programming language, you can only implement a definition (possibly called Circle) or a bunch of definitions which model some of the aspects of mathematical circles to a certain extent. And when you reason about the correctness of your program, you have to talk about these definitions, not the original mathematical notion.
Lots of suffering inflicted by the more talented programmers upon themselves originates at the hope to implement "the ultimate something" (for example, "the ultimate circle class" that captures all aspects of mathematical circles, so you'd never have to define a circle class again). The ultimate search for "the ultimate something" in programming is probably the search for the ultimate programming language. Arguably, the C++ language is one result of this search - it tries to meet a huge amount of conflicting requirements, the key ones being "readability, efficiency and generality" of C++ code, as well as pseudo-compatibility with C. The result is a large-scale nightmare, and the moral of the story is simple: design the best tool for everything, and you'll get a tool good for nothing.
On the bright side, it is probably possible to define a good Circle class for your program - if you try to make it good for your program rather than implement the mathematical notion. And this is why the meaning of Circle depends on your program.
FAQ: It's quite unlikely. For instance, consider List::insert. Is it defined to insert the element to the end of the list? If it is, there's no good way to implement it in SortedList, because the insertion to the end will usually make the list unsorted.
The substitutability principle is about the specified behavior, not just function names and parameter types. So "exactly the same public interface" in the syntactic sense is not enough - for proper inheritance, the specified run time behavior must be the same.
FQA: Yep, compile time type checking can not guarantee proper inheritance, it can only operate under the assumption that you guaranteed it. That's why some languages come with contract checking: the base class specifies the behavior using input and output constraints computed at run time, and you can have your run time environment automatically evaluate these constraints when methods of derived classes are called.
You can simulate this behavior in C++ by writing lots of code. Namely, the base class can have a public non-virtual insert method calling a protected virtual onInsert method. The insert wrapper can then check whether onInsert follows the protocol using a bunch of asserts before and after the call to onInsert. Since "a lot of code" is most frequently bad by itself (because you waste time writing it and then waste much more time reading it together with other people), the benefits are not necessarily worth the trouble. But run time tests (stand-alone or integrated into a larger system) greatly increase the quality of code, and making run time testing simple and painless pays off, especially compared to work spent on compile time error detection.